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Known or Unknown......Life Lessons!!!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Mini Tartlets

Is life easier with the known or the unknown??

Have you ever attempted something not knowing if the end result will be what you wanted! Being human, we all probably have moments in our lives such as these. There are times the results are actually expected but other times we are surprised or disappointed by the end result at that moment without seeing the larger picture.

While life would be easy if we were able to succeed at everything we take on, what would be the point? Aren't the struggles in life part of what makes us who we are?! I have said before I am a firm believer in life teaching lessons and it is our job to learn from them and move forward to become an even better individual based on these experiences. One never knows.....these lessons might make future opportunities so much better than one could ever dream!!!!

Today was one of those days....a concept in my head was easier on paper but challenging to create. These Peanut Butter Chocolate Mini Tartlets came from a discussion with some coworkers. Not sure if I should thank them or yell at them...ha ha!

When I first sat down to create these I almost just walked being me I am one who has to either fail or succeed than question the unknown. At that moment, I decided I would rather fail at this recipe than question it's possibilities.

This made me realize....shouldn't we have this attitude for a lot of things in life.

Things may be scary but if one doesn't step out on the ledge and try..the unknown will always win! While a dessert recipe is only a tiny lesson in stepping out on the ledge, isn't it worth using this lesson for all aspects in life??!!

Do you have anything you want to step out on the ledge for?? If so, I hope you can enjoy these little treats while you do......sugar highs always help :-)....Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Mini Tartlets


7 Tbsp Unsalted Butter, melted

1/3 C Sugar

1/4 Tsp Vanilla

1 C Unbleached Flour

Pinch of Salt

Peanut Butter Filling

4 Tbsp Unsalted Butter, softened

3/4 C Peanut Butter, smooth

1/4 C Powdered Sugar

1/2 Tsp Salt

Mini Chocolate Chips

To make filling, combine all ingredients in a bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Transfer to a pastry bag and set aside until ready to use.

Preheat oven to 350°F.

To make the tart crust, mix by hand all ingredients in a mixing bowl until incorporated. Transfer dough to the a clean surface between two pieces of wax paper. Using a rolling pin, roll dough out to 1/4 inch thick. Cut off edges of uneven dough into a rectangle and put scraps aside. Cut dough into even 1 1/2 inch squares.

On a parchment lined cookie sheet, place 15 dough squares evenly spaced out. With additional dough, cut small pieces to line edge of dough forming a border. Wet the dough with water and push onto dough square.

Once all squares are assembled, pipe in a small dot of filling and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Place in fridge for 10 minutes to chill. Once chilled, place pan in oven for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add additional dot of filling and additional chocolate chips (optional...I did this since I wanted more filling). Return to oven for 5-7 minutes. Hint: Be sure to watch closely....will burn quickly!!! I learned this personally as it happened to my first batch :-(

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